Ideas and tools to get your HMO profits to the next level


In this FREE 2-hour training we will be exploring the key business tools needed to increase your HMO turnover and maximise your existing and future HMOS.


Wednesday 17th June

2pm - 4pm 

Free 2-Hour Training

Upgrade Your HMO Cashflow

From the research we conducted earlier this year, and with the pandemic putting our way of operating businesses into perspective, we know cashflow is a major consideration for all property investors, developers and landlords. 


In this 2-hour webinar we will guide you through the ideas and tools that we use in our businesses. We want to ensure that your HMO profits are taken to the next level now and into the future. 


So, if you are experiencing any of the following...

  • Profitability being squeezed?
  • Not as much cash at the end of the month as you expect?
  • Tenants not paying when they should?
  • Not enough time to sort it all out?


Join Matt and learn...

  • How to increase your HMO turnover to maximise your existing and future HMOs
  • How we can decrease expenses to increase your profits at the end of the month
  • The systems to put in place to effortlessly manage your cashflow
  • How to get your tenants to stay and to pay consistently

Click below to reserve your spot!


Wednesday 17th June

2pm - 4pm 


Have questions? We'd love to help!

Please contact Lara at


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

What is The HMO Platform?

What is a Next Level HMO?

What do I need to do to sign up? 

Can I catch up after it has taken place?

How can I find out about future webinars?

Have more questions? 

© 2020 by Scott Baker Property Solutions Ltd